what are his intentions?

ok so I started talking to this guy and I thought it was going good and all and we even FaceTimed once and he was asking when we’re gonna hang out. So I tried to plan something but it didn’t quite work out cuz he was busy. (Not even gonna get into that 🙄)

I really liked this guy and I wanted to get to know him more.

Cuz I feel like I barely knew him and I wanted to get comfortable with him. So I asked him what his biggest fear was ya know to start it off, but then he didn’t really care to ask me anything though cuz he said it was “a boring game” and I said “I want to get to know you though” and he’s like “well we already do”. Yeah right. We literally FaceTimed once and we’re both so bad at making conversation it’s literally a joke. He kinda seems like an asshole based on how he talked to me.

However, he doesn’t mind when I’m flirting his ass up, making him feel good about himself even though he hardly returns the favor. 🙃

I don’t get what he wants from me then because he doesn’t sound into it as much as I am. Maybe he’s just that bad at talking to girls. Who knows? I don’t know what he wants from me though. a hookup? A piece of ass? Yeah I’m a Virgin + I don’t have that so he’s clearly wasting his time if he’s gonna be a dick and not make an effort. I’m over it giving him too many chances and making so many excuses for him. I just wish I could read his mind to find out what his intentions were. Opinions? 🤔🤔🤔

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