Boyfriend’s friends talk so much shit about me, what do I do? Bf gives zero shits about it.

Ok so I have been living with him bf of 2 years for about 5 months now. His friends are staying at his place as well because they need a place to stay at. They are mostly college students, they are earning a title on a program for a month or so and then going to work after (when they get payed).

Anyway, my SO works night shifts and they work day time. Whenever my SO is away they talk so much shit from their rooms. About that I’m crazy and retarded for talking to my pet, that I talk to myself, that I’m just a bitch and always mean, that all I got going is my body, they make fake bets too like “you have until 2 am to tell her to fuck off” for example.

This has been going on for MONTHS and I have complained to it to my bf who doesn’t care. He says “why do you care what they think of you?” “They are just joking” “what do you want me to do about it huh?” “Nah they wouldn’t do that, don’t believe you”.

So it occurred to me I should record the shit they say, and I did. It seriously hurts my feelings and makes me even more depressed. I get they hate me but why be so mean. What can I do? :/ I feel sad and hurt and alone.

Please any advice is welcomed