36 week jitters

I've been so excited this whole pregnancy. she was planned and we defs wanted this. now I'm 36 weeks and feeling humungous, can't sleep, still working 12 hour days and I'm uncomfortable. my life is perfect before preg.. perfect hubby, perfect job, perfect friends, perfect investments n material things. I'm scared of the change a new baby will bring, if I'll be a crap mum, not be able to give her everything or resent my little princess for changing my life so much. i don't resent her for my being uncomfortable because she must be getting cramped in there too and it's just a late preg thing. I've always been one to get super excited miles in advance and then not be as excited right before the event so could this just be that? will I see her and just fall in love? am I the worlds most selfish person for doubting that she could bring anything other than happiness?

anyone else feel like this?