
I have a friend that moved away and while he was settling in and dealing with  adjusting to a new country and culture, I  was there for him and offered him support. There were days he was really depressed and didnt have money for food and I made sure to check on him and order him food from my side of the world.

We met 4 months before he moved away and although I only knew him for a short period of time we became really close despite the distance.  He's not big on long distance friendships but that didn't stop us. Now  almost 2 years after he moved away, he's telling me that he doesn't see the point in talking to someone every day  who isn't in the same country as him  and that distance makes people grow apart etc.  Mind you now his best friends that he knew for years weren't there for him but I was. I even sent care packages for him when he was down because he has depression and it was really affecting him.

 Honestly he really hurt my feelings and made me feel like my friendship wasn't worth keeping despite the distance. I've lived in the country he lives in now and visited many times and he knows I would be back but he's making it seems like because I'm far away, we can't be friends anymore and is somewhat pushing me away. I have other long distance friends for over 10 years and I know some people aren't cool with distance but I thought that we would be.

I feel used and rejected and I can't stop crying. How do I handle this? Should I cut him off completely or see what happens?