Has anyone ever tried taking 2 tablespoons of Flaxseed a day to control PCOS symptoms? If so what was your experience?

I have been on birth control pills or IUD since I was about 12 or 13 to control my peroids, I'm now 26. my periods were so heavy that I would go through 2 or 3 super plus tampons and a pad every hour. My period would last 30-40 days, then I would stop bleeding for a couple days, and start over again. I was on every birth control pill made but, would end up bleeding through after 2 or 3 months. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS at 17. I have had Merina IUD for the last 4 years but, had it taken out about 3 weeks ago. It was starting to cause severe cramping and painful sex even though there was nothing wrong with it. I had a very light 4 day period about 3 days after having it removed. I started taking Flaxseed towards the end of my period, after doing extensive research on it. I have not had any spotting since my period and am no longer taking any form of birth control. I'm just curious to see what this will do to my body and if I will be able to get pregnant with my husband. Please let me know if you have had any experience with this.