Nemat started preschool!

Elizabeth • Mom of 2 boys- 1/5/17-Nemat, 6/21/19-Naveed

Nemat started preschool today! He is going Wed/Thurs/Fri 8:15-3:30 for now. I work from home part-time but it was getting too stressful to try to get my hours in while he slept so we found a preschool that started at 18 months and put him on the waitlist right after he turned a year old. We had a transitional day where I stayed for an hour on Monday with him and he interacted well with the other children and teachers, but I am still nervous. I stayed for about 20 minutes this morning and left when they started breakfast at 8:40. I heard him cry when I walked out the door even though he was totally fine up until then. My stomach is still in knots but his teacher sent me these pics this morning and he looks like he is having fun! I can’t wait to pick him up in 3 hours!

UPDATE: Nemat has still cried every morning at drop off and when I pick him up he has cried too (I think because he is overwhelmed from holding it together all day), but his teachers have said he is doing well and having fun with everyone so they are sure he will adjust soon. At least he only cries for a couple minutes too. I am grateful that he has been able to nap for about an hour too since I was concerned about him sleeping on a mat instead of a crib. And I have enjoyed hearing what a sweet boy he is and they are impressed by how well he shares for someone his age!