Unpaid Work


Okay so my fiancé recently was switched to salary from hourly pay. His salary is set at 80 hours every two weeks, so that’s how he’s paid no matter how many hours he actually works (in case someone doesn’t know what salary pay is).

Last pay period he had 86 hours. So that’s 6 unpaid hours. This pay period he’s already got 80 hours and his pay period doesn’t end until Friday. So if he works full days the next two days, he’ll end the period with 96 hours. That’s 16 extra hours that, once again, he’s not getting paid for. He does this willingly, so it’s not on the company.

Okay so (other than the obvious) here’s why it bothers me: we have a apartment and a child together (he’s 1). So when he gets off work at 4 like he’s supposed to, he comes home and I make dinner, he plays with the baby, helps me clean up, plays with the baby more (bubba misses his daddy a lot when he’s gone since he’s gone so much), and they we tuck the baby into bed together and we hangout after that. Watching tv or whatever. When he works late, he doesn’t do ANY of that. I could get by cooking and cleaning by myself but I HATE trying to cook with the baby up under my feet crying because my fiancé won’t play with him. So I’ll say “can you please get him and keep him occupied until dinners ready?” And he’ll do it for like 5 minutes and then he’ll quit watching the baby, so he comes right back to me OR he’ll sit on the floor at my fiancé’s feet and cry. He also doesn’t help me tuck the baby in, luckily he’s still too young to really notice.

I guess what I’m asking is; is it unacceptable to ask him to stop working late? I wouldn’t be so against it if he was paid hourly still, but he isn’t. So to me, it’s pointless.