Changed my name

So ya’ll I changed my name on here, I’m not new or anything. Also my picture as well and my account is private, now let me tell you why.

I didn’t used to be private, I also used my real name AND real pictures. I thought this community was safe (not to say it’s not-I’m getting there). When I was 13 I was raped by a 19 year old at a party. (I know I shouldn’t have been there, I was DD for my cousin. Not drinking.) After that night, he stalked me. He lived about an hour or so from me, but that didn’t stop him from driving to my house and my school, he took pictures of me with my friends and would text them to me. He would threaten guys that I hung out with. He knew everything all the time. He got ahold of every phone number, every time I changed it. Used a new number every time I blocked one. I never filed a police report, because honestly, I didn’t want anyone to know about the rape. I was ashamed. Eventually (3.5 years later), he stopped. I assumed he was bored tormenting me, I was horrified at the thought he might have moved on to torment someone else. I felt such immense guilt, and I don’t even know if it happened.

Fast forward to now (4 years after he stopped, 8.5 years post rape) he found me. On here, he found me. This community that’s full of so many empowering women, is the prime hiding spot for someone like him. So some of you are probably wondering why I’m sharing this (and risking him finding me again).

I’m sharing this story for all of you because I want all of you to be careful. Watch what you post. Watch what pictures you share. As safe as this community may seem, there is always the possibility that someone’s true intentions are missed. And I know there isn’t much he (or any other predator) can do to any of us online. But it’s scary and I urge each and every one of you to be extra cautious. Always.