So over this!


I could just throat punch my Drs assistant I talked to my dr last week he said 37 weeks they could sweep my membranes when I talked to the nurse practitioner that was going to do it she said not until 38&4 that's the earliest she could do it I said okay well today I'm 38+4 I called super excited asking if they could do it today the MA said they would called back I specifically asked they speak with the nurse practitioner performing the sweep well the called back they asked the PA instead and she said not until Friday and they didn't even want to do it then when I will be 38+6!!! So annoying they will do it this day I will probably go into labor it is said the nurse practitioner has magic hands every time she performs it the person goes into labor later that night the problem with this is my birthdays Saturday and I would rather not be sprawled out in a hospital bed for who knows how long in agony on my birthday they are running a circus instead of a medical practice it seems none of them freaking talk I swear! They also take nothing serious I'm so done with this practice I'm will never use them again and I will not deliver and the hospital just as incompetent! Anyone else dealing with ridiculousness with your dr office?