Our star is born 💫


I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks due to Gestational Diabetes, so on 7/27/18 at 7pm we checked into the hospital. Here is the abridged version of my 27 hour ordeal...

- 10pm: Cervidil was administered

- 7am: Contractions were coming on strong and quick; Cervidil was removed

- 9am: I got my epidural 🙌🏽

- 10:45am: My water breaks and they begin my round of antibiotics for Group B Strep

- 4pm: I was dilated to 9.5 and fully effaced. Baby Girl was “sunny-side up” and doctor flipped her face down

- 5:45pm: The pushing begins😑

- 9pm: They turn off the epidural to help me concentrate my final pushes (WTF🤦🏻‍♀️🤬)

- 10pm: Baby is back to sunny-side up causing her final descent to be halted

- By this point we had been pushing for 4+ hours and I wasn’t making any more progress. I had also spiked a fever of 102.7 and baby’s heart rate started to dip with each contraction so doc said we needed to have an c-section.

At 10:37pm, I heard her first cries and all the disappointment in myself had gone out the window. She was healthy and out of me!

Introducing Lyra Alessia, weighing in at 7.1 lbs and 19 inches long. 💜🐧💫