I started feeling contractions around 4 am August 1st

I started feeling contractions around 4 am August 1st. I went to the hospital around 730am to get checked and monitor baby. I was 1cm and the nurses thought it was Braxton Hicks. I went home and tried to sleep but found they were getting worse and worse. At 7 pm the same day I went back to the hospital and was only a 2.
I wanted to die I thought if it took this long to get to 2cm it would take forever to get higher.  I waited for the dr to arrive an hour or two later and they checked me
Again and I was almost a 4. I was admitted.
I got morphine and gravel and just headed thru the pains. But the baby’s heartrate was decelerating at each contraction so they said it would be better to do a c section.
We didn’t really want to but knew it would be best for our girl. She was born 22 hours after i first started the contractions.