My son's initials are ASS *UPDATED

His first name is his dad's middle name and his middle name is my middle name...

Andrew Shea Ske.....t

anyways, everyone on social media told me don't do it he will hate his name

I didn't intentionally want his initials to be ass, they just turned out that way. Who cares what people think anyways, it's your baby not there's.

mommy's little ass 💙💙💙💙

UPDATE: I JUST WANTED TO PUT OUT THERE... NOT MANY KIDS IN SCHOOL KNEWW MY MIDDLE NAME, BUT MY FULL NAME WAS STEVIE SHEA HAMMER AND KIDS WOULD make fun and say Steve or Stevie hammered Shea. so it doesn't matter what your name is kids will make fun of something Whether his initials are Abs or SMS like his sister it doesn't change who he is as a person or who he will become... I'm an adult now and adults dont make fun of adults.... at least it's just his initials and not his first name.