My husband and I were delighted when we saw our 3 pregnancy tests were positive, after trying serio...

My husband and I were delighted when we saw our 3 pregnancy tests were positive, after trying seriously for 2 years. We followed doctors appointment, did Anomoly and NT Scans, gestational diabetes, took recommended vitamins, walking and lamas classes, several blood tests along with monthly ultrasound scans. Everything was perfect, we were super excited as I mentioned and very very cautious, no excessive bending nor heavy lifting etc.

One day my sister and I did a little shopping for the final material for my baby shower, I got home and relaxed. I woke at 4:30am on Wednesday. April 25th, 2018, read my 30 week notices from several apps, got ready for work and left at 5:10 am for my 1hr 15 minute drive to work. I waited an extra 20mins for my sister along the way, reached to work at 7am, for our monthly roster it was our only day rostered together as she works in the same hospital as me.

I served medication & breakfast, which included light walking at intervals, that took me till 9:30 am. We sat and relaxed, then I got up and made myself a sandwhich to eat.

I got up to use the washroom at 10:20am after eating and relaxing, as I stood, I felt something passed out of my vagina, similar to a cloth when on my period. I got instantly worried, as to what could this be. I walked to the bathroom which was in use by a staff who was about to escort a patient to another hospital via our ambulance service. As I stood for about 2-3 minutes, I felt this liquid running down my leg, as I looked down to my surprise it was bloody water. It had filled my sanitary napkin, soaked my underwear and underpants, unto the floor. As I wiped and checked, I noticed it was my "show or plug" on the toilet paper.

As cleaned myself, I called to get my bag for a change of underwear, bloody water continued running down my legs. As i alerted my sister and the staff i continued to bleed, I put on a pamper, grabbed my handbag and took the same ambulance to the maternity hospital 5-8 minutes away.

In my white uniform with a few smears of blood to the back, wearing a pamper, I walked into the maternity clinic, explained my situation, waited about 5 minutes to be wheeled upstairs to be seen by a doctor. Another 10 minutes had passed while having my vital signs done, they were good, then examined by the consultant. Fetal heartbeat was good, a quick internal examination showed no abnormalities. I had another pamper Change and doc said if the bleeding continues they will have to do emergency c section at 30 weeks. Another 5 minutes pamper filled with bloody water, my mind was going in worry mode, as the whole team surrounded me to prepare me for this surgery. Things went from 0-100 real quick, NICU staff explaining the possible outcomes, doc inserting magnesium into my body, I almost felt like flash, my body was literally burning from the inside. My sister removing my jewellery, another nurse hooking up IV, another nurse dressing me, another nurse shaving my vaginal was just pace. But the consultant said, "we are going to do our best with you and baby, all will be well"

Around 11:20am I was being wheeled to the theatre for c section, those bright lights reminded me again that this is really happening. They spent about 5 minutes trying with the epidural with no success. Next thing I know the mask over my face breathing in, I remembered what the consultant said.

I heard Ms Hospedales can you hear me, I could barely open my eyes, bright lights, drowsy no tail, they said your baby is OK and down at NICU. I feel asleep again, I remembered my sister an my husband outside the theatre calling out to me as I passes and knocking out again. I awoke at 5:30pm in the afternoon, to a bandage at my lower belly, thirsty, hungry and in pain.

My Angel was born at 2.4 lbs at 30 weeks to Placenta Abruptia. I had severe blood loss and LSCS. With all my reading and research I knew what it was but never knew it would have happened to me. After having an almost perfect pregnancy, my placenta decided to separate from my womb, causing all the bleeding. My baby drank a lot of that bloody water that entered the womb that had to be pumped from her stomach. She had Jaundice, a WBC infection and low blood count, all of which was resolved within 2-3 weeks at NICU.

They explained she would lose weight, and at 1020 grams or 2 .2 lbs she was doing well on her own. She stayed extra days to reach the minimum weight to be discharged, she spent 46 days in NICU, discharged at 1500 grams. We had several days up and down monitoring her weight until she reach 2500 grams.

On the 25th July she was 6 lbs. She continue to grow very well with Gods grace, when I think back at the whole situation, it was frightening but my God had my back.

Abruptio placenta could happen to any pregnant woman at any point in time. Try to put things in place as best as you can. I have also seen mothers baby died during my frequent trips to NICU.. My baby was delivered 3 days before my baby shower., she is healthy, happy, we are happy, our family is happy and we are forever grateful to God. 😍✌