Weight transformation. (Now that I’ve started this I won’t stop working out to update it! 😃)

bbl drake

I started running every other day for at least ten mins as a start. Soon I hope to run for longer.

Last I checked the scale, the day I started running, I was 167.4. I don’t know how tall I am,but last I checked I was 5 4” or 5 5”.

So I’ll update tomorrow with my weight now. It’s been about 4 days btw. I’ve also been thinking of going vegetarian for a week to detox for a bit.

Update! 8-6-18 Monday

I just weighed myself today and I’m so so proud. I now weigh 165.4!! Even though it’s only two pounds it’s a huge deal to me. I’m so happy and I’m going to continue to update every Monday. 😃😄😁

Update!! 8-10-18 friday

Okay I know it’s not Monday but omg. I just weighed myself bc I wanted to see how much I lost “ehh, maybe like a pound not that big of a deal.” Nope. I lost 4 pounds. 🤯🤯😍 I’m at 161.4. That is so incredible!!! I feel like superwoman right now. I can do anything!! I can’t stop running either. It’s so addicting. I’m going to try to get to 12 mins now with running on the treadmill as well. I’m so excited to see what is going to come of this!!!


so on Monday I weighed in at 169.8 pounds. I didn’t think anything of it because I thought it was muscle and I think I’m still correct bc I dance tango and I danced tango two nights in a row. (Easily is calve muscle bc your in your toes in heels dancing tango.) anyways, I just weighed, I’m now 166.2 pounds!! I’m still so excited about this even though it’s not what I lost before. I’m still losing weight which is so exciting.