teething, sleeping and Tylenol

Mystic_Gemini • single mother by choice to an amazing little boy - 12/22/17

My son normally goes right to sleep after his bedtime feeding. I feed him, cuddle him for a few minutes and then put him in his crib with a pacifier. He *might* fuss for a minute but generally goes right to sleep. But lately something changed. He finishes eating and might cuddle a little but then he starts writhing around. I put him in the crib a he just screams his head off. Nothing calms him except me picking him up. He stops crying and grabs my neck like he scared. I can hold him until he falls asleep but then he’s awake and screaming within about 20 minutes. This can go on until about 3 or 4 am when he finally seems to exhaust himself.

I’m 99% sure this is mostly teething pain. Some nights he’s fine but others it’s like I described above. So on nights when he’s screaming like that I’ve given him a dose of tylenol (approved by the pediatrician). He quiets down immediately. Like way too soon for the drug to have kicked in. And then sleeps all night. So much it scares me and I keep checking to be sure he’s breathing!

I don’t want my child in pain but I don’t want to overmedicate him either.