Long Story Short


So I’m in an advanced choir at my school and there’s only 13 girls in it. To make a very long story short, I’m an alto, for those of you who have no clue what that is, it’s the lowest voice part for women. My teacher has a policy that If you weren’t in the class before you cannot be the section leader, again a section leader is like the captain over a certain group. So I’ve been terribly jealous of the way things have gone down lately. I want to say that I’ve showed up to everything that the choir has thrown at me during the summer. And the section leader has not. I want this really bad. They decided to make one of my friends whom is a Sophomore and I am a Senior Co section leader. I’ve worked so hard for the role and I basically carry the weight of the altos and I just cannot understand why I cannot lead. Can someone give me any advice on what to do? By the way, since I can’t get noticed for my hard work I’m going to work extra hard to earn a shitload of solos, duets, and trios.