Exercising/losing weight while breastfeeding..?


I’ve posted before about trying to lose weight but I’m facing a slightly different kind of concern now. My baby is 2 months old and I am still “exclusively” breastfeeding with the exception of a bottle here and there if we are out and I cannot feed her from my breast.

I decided I want to renew my gym membership and begin working out again. I’m just too unhappy with my body to not do anything and breastfeeding and eating healthy is not enough to help me lose weight like most people make it seem it will.

I’m not big on cardio but I do some running, stair master, or HIIT. I’m more into weight training (or I was a year ago before I got pregnant and fat lol).

I also know you’re supposed to consume extra calories while breastfeeding.

Is it possible to lose weight by weight training and eating healthy, and keep up a sufficient milk supply? I don’t know why but I feel like I can’t lose the kind of weight I want to lose AND breastfeed at the same time? I’m just not happy with my body. I HAVE to do something to get some of this extra pudge off! Ugh. Sorry for ranting, I’m feeding and tend to ramble on here during babies sessions