Ladies what do I need to do .


Little back story I’ve known my husband for 12 years now . But before he & I got married I was with a man that i had 2 kids with in a 7 year relationship , my ex passed away a year & a half ago . So I now have my kids full time no breaks ( which I’m completely okay with ) .

My now husband has very bad self esteem issues , & I believe he may be bipolar . Anyways 2 nights ago he & I got into it & he took his ring off ( not the first time he’s done that ) , which crushed me . I told him that even tho it’s a ring , it means a lot to me . & that I really couldn’t understand how he could just take it off out of anger . He then sits there willingly listening to my issues that I had . One of which made him cry . I told him that I didn’t feel secure in our marriage . That I felt like at any moment he could leave & he okay . I told him that he made me feel like I used to with my ex . & he was upset that he made me feel that way . Put his ring on , cried , held me & promised that he would do whatever he had to to fix it & that he was going to show me just how much I mean to him .

Yesterday went fine & all was good no issues . Posted a cute little picture of me on Facebook & wrote something sweet .

Today rolls around & I wake up at 8:30 to a text saying “we need to talk sarah , but it’s best we wait till I get home” (now he’s done this before , text me about something out of the clear blue & just seemed to be creating issue for us) i then get on fb & he posted a status saying “I just don’t know anymore” so me I assume the worst I suppose I thought without doubt that he is definitely trying to create issue for us . I try to get him to tell me what it is & he refused to do so . So at this point I’m mad . He then tells me he creeped on my fb & saw something’s he didn’t like (from my past) .

To shorten the story he’s always bringing up my past , he’s always accusing me of cheating on him , he’s always quick to tell me to leave . One would assume that he’s cheating right ?! Not me , I give the benefit of the doubt . I try to see from all points . I have never cheated on anyone & he knows that . I have never went out side of our marriage either . He has my iPhone locations turned on so he sees my every move . 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m lost & unsure of what to do at this point . I told him 2 nights ago it’s hard for me to see a future with him when leaving is so easy for him to do . I don’t think he sees any true value in marriage period . He then throws in my face that he doesn’t wanna be with me bc I said it’s hard to see a future . Well for me he should have said that 2 nights ago instead of now .

Basically I need advice how do I help him ? Should I help him ? Does it sound like he just wants a way out ? (This happens at least 1 time a week) .

I’m exhausted ladies . & truly need some help .