Help a girl out!!

Me and my boyfriend had sex 3 days ago. We used protection and I’m on the implant. After we finished there looked like there was cum on his penis bellow the condom and I don’t know if was mine or his. I’m over worrying that I could be pregnant. I’ve had a few stomach aches within the 3 days and I don’t know if it’s just general aches. I’ve not had a period in 2 months as the implant has stopped them at the moment. What should I do? Also when should I take a test?

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you are not pregnant i can 100% guarantee it. in fact if i’m right you, owe me a frappuccino. 😉 jk, but yeah youre def not pregnant. to easy your mind maybe wait a week and take a test.


margo • Aug 8, 2018
but all you’re gonna see is a negative on the test so really girl, don’t worry about it! i’ve been on the implant for 2 1/2 years, i’ve had unprotected, no pulling out, sex the WHOLE time, and i’ve still never gotten pregnant


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I have unprotected sex but have the implant still haven’t got pregnant. You should be totally fine.