Have bad pain during sex? >>>


Ladies, do you find intercourse to be painful after giving birth? Has the pain lasted through multiple attempts or is so extreme that Gandalf is guarding the entrance screaming “NONE SHALL PASS!”? If you panic at the thought because of pain, there is hope. Ask your doctor about vaginal Valium suppositories.

They aren’t common and need to be specially made, but they saved my marriage. Why aren’t they common? Because we don’t ask for them and make a fuss when things hurt more than they should!! We know things will hurt the first few times after such an event but seriously, we know our bodies. You know when something Just. Isn’t. Right.

They aren’t covered by insurance in the US but they are only about $2.50 per suppository and you usually don’t need more than 10. I’m not sure what places make them other than a pharmacy in Waite Park, Minnesota, USA (I think it’s Waite Park. It’s near St. Cloud).

Of course, these may not be the answer in every situation. If the pain is more near your ovaries or cervix, check for other underlying issues. Infections, endometriosis, and other issues can result in pain.

But, if it mainly feels like pulled or tight muscles that just won’t relax, these can help.

Please note that sex before 6 weeks postpartum is not recommended for healing and insanely high fertility. And if you have pain not related to giving birth or any other type of trauma to the area, you need to see a doctor if you haven’t already.

Don’t give up. There is hope. (I’m not getting paid or anything to say this, I just remember the pain and the sweet sweet relief)