Baby daddy 🤦🏼‍♀️

I just sort of need to get something off my chest... For starters my pregnancy was weird. Not because of the actual pregnancy, just the situations I was in during it. My babies dad and I split up not long after I got pregnant. He was there for me up until I was 15 weeks pregnant. He would flake out when he was supposed to go to appointments, but if I ever really needed him he was there. He asked for money a lot, but that was nothing new, and if I said no he wouldn’t get mad. He just knew when he needed help I was there, and he was struggling. 8 weeks into the pregnancy though, he got into a relationship. All was fine and good, me and him were still friends, except I didn’t know she was unaware of the pregnancy. I don’t honestly mind the girl though. Fast forward 2 months later when I find out that she had just only now found out about the pregnancy. A month after she found out, she got pregnant. Barely anyone knows. I found out on accident when she was 6 months pregnant on FB (she’s due next month). Around when she got pregnant, he cut off contact with me and his family. Didn’t show up to the baby shower his family threw me. He doesn’t plan on telling them about his son until he’s born from what a mutual friend says, which is what he wanted to do with my pregnancy. My daughter will have a good life no matter his involvement in hers, but I hope he got his life together for their son. I hope she got hers together too. I hope she has a safe delivery, and that he stays by her side the way he said he’d be by mine. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s been through hell. He’s strong enough to get through it, but I don’t know if he’ll ever believe that enough to put in the work to get through it. His baby boy deserves a good life and a good father. I try to have faith that he’ll be the dad I know he wants to be, if not to both of his kids at least to his son. And if all goes to shit, that boy, and his mom, will always be welcome in my house.