Our baby has arrived 😍😍😍

After having a miscarriage 2 months ago I can tell you I have not been myself. I pushed everyone away including my poor partner. I blamed myself everyday. Torturing myself with what if I didn’t do this and what if I did this instead. I was in fully swing of depression. The only way I would leave the house was to go to work and at that it was hard work getting up putting on make up doing my hair and putting my “happy face” on. I really honestly thought my life was not worth it. I told my partner to leave me because there is “obviously something wrong with me”. I had been trying to get pregnant for months and months and when I seen that little second red line I had everything planned from names nurseries and clothes. I through myself right into having this perfect baby. I had not prepared myself for what could happen or what would happen. My partner left for work on Friday it was a weekend job so I knew I wouldn’t see him till Monday evening. I had finished up work and went home to do what I always do like clean the house make up the dinner etc. It was very late like 10:30pm and I was getting worried ringing my partner and texting but getting no reply. I remember thinking oh my god if anything has happened to him I’ll never forgive myself for pushing him away and not telling him everyday that he means the world to me and how he’s helped me so much through the miscarriage even though I was awful to him. 11:30pm still no word or sign my heart was in my mouth at this stage. 11:45pm I see lights pulling into our drive way I run to the door and there he is holding a puppy. We already have a 6 month old sausage dog and a kitty. Put when he handed her to me and said “I know it’s not the same as a baby and it won’t replace the one we lost but she is yours to love” my heart melted and I cried like a baby 🙈 I felt like my heart was mended again 💕 I will never forget what he done for me or what he continues to do for me everyday. I honestly don’t deserve this man but he is my light at the end of every tunnel. Meet Penny everyone my fur baby 🐩💕💕💕