
Need to vent!

I seriously can’t stand that my husband gets pissed and grumpy when I tell him I don’t know what I want to eat or I don’t care what we eat. He sits there gets so pissed about it when all I did was answer his freaking question! He asks “what do you want to eat” or “what would you like to eat” so I reply with the either of the answers above and he looses his shit and tells me I’m just being a child and making excuses. Childish?!? Excuses?!?

I literally NEVER KNOW what I want to eat!! Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I have to pick what to eat every time!!

Him and his family always leave it up to me and get pissed off or annoyed when I say I don’t know or I don’t care. And it not like I say it rude either!!

I’ve literally broken down into a full melt down because I had him, his parents, his grandfather, and his aunt asking me every five minutes what I want to eat one night and then saying “don’t worry about anyone else just pick something.” And my husband thin I was being a stuck up bitch to them for saying nicely, that I don’t really care what we eat and I didn’t want the decision to me up to me. Because it literally is put all on me every time!!

I’ll literally eat anything just make it or pick it up and put it in front of me and I’ll eat!!