What now...


I was dignosed with ppd a few days ago and my husband is gone for work right now. I won't be able to talk for a long time, but I don't know how I'll tell him I have it. I feel kinda like a failure for some reason. Like I'm not going to the amazing mom I wanna be because of it even though I know for fact that's not true. I almost broke down crying when I heard my doctor tell me I'm depressed. I'm supposed to be that perfect girl that never frowns even when the world is burning down around me. My doc has me on some meds and she'll have me come back in in about two weeks. Ultimantely what is freaking me out the most is how the hell am I gonna tell my husband in 3 weeks? I know I have to and I know he'll probably react with support, but I'm still terified. I mean I've told two people already and both asked why am I depressed? I honestly don't know.