I need help!!

Ok guys so I really need your help. So on Sunday I woke up with bacterial vaginitis. I knew what it was because I’ve had it once before and I know the feelings/ symptoms. I was out of town so I waited until I got home Monday to go to the hospital because I don’t have insurance. So Monday I went to the hospital and I told them I’m sore to the point I can’t even wipe and I know they have to test you for everything at the er and they do it with a Pap smear. So when they inserted the tool inside of me I was in horrific pain, scream and crying in the hospital. So the nurse told me I probably am irritated from soap or laundry detergent I’m allergic too. I haven’t switch anything for that to be the case. (On top of it hasn’t got better yet). So for precaution measures they gave me 4 antibiotics pills for the bacterial vaginitis, and a shot just in case it was a std and told me BayCare would call me with my results the next day. So Tuesday, they called and said it was the bacterial vaginitis like I told them it was. Well I was still in a lot of pain from the Pap smear that the nurse did, pain to the point where I couldn’t even pee with out being in the shower so it didn’t hurt. So I decided to go back to the hospital because I can tell something is wrong. They look all at my lady parts and said it seems normal and the would give me AZO to help with the pain. I told them no because I can get that at Walmart for 5$ and that is for burning because of a uti. I’m not burn out of my urethra. So they looked for a abscess, and blocked glands and basically said they’ve done all they can for me and they have no idea what’s wrong. But I was screaming and crying in pain again. So they gave me bullshit pain meds that don’t even work and sent me home. It is now 11:00 Thursday night, almost Friday. I can’t pee still but now I have to get into a bathtub full of water so the pee doesn’t burn me. Sitting down hurts and walking hurts. Basically any movement with my vagina hurts. & I started my period on Wednesday! I haven’t had sex with my boyfriend since last Friday and I have to hold my pee while I’m at work until my lunch break so I can go take a bath, then after work so I can take another bath. I’m in excruciating pain and have no insurance. My vagina feels like someone threw acid on it and I have no skin, it’s like I’m completely raw but it looks perfectly normal. No bumps, no swelling, no smell, NOTHING! Just excruciating pain. If anyone has any ideas please help me !!!