Has anyone had a normal pregnancy after wiping blood and clot ?? Please help.

Maria • Married my best friend December 8, 2017 Our little 👼🏼 went back home August 9, 2018 And little 👼🏼 2 went back home May 16, 2019 Have birth to our sweet baby 👶🏽 boy Zak July 6, 2020 🤍

So this morning I had posted that I wiped pinkish almost red blood and a clot when I went pee. Just one time though. It stopped completely and immediately after going to the E.R and the doc said my cervix is closed and he doesn’t see anymore clots or anything. The clot i passed wasn’t big but it did have some whitish discharge, just a bit though. My question is, has anyone had this experience and have had a healthy on going pregnancy. I don’t know how far along I am. My first prenatal appt is on the 23rd of this month. My HCG level is at 32.9. He said i might have just caught my pregnancy super early or I had a miscarriage. I have an appt on Tuesday with my primary to check to see if my hcg levels have gone up. Please keep me and my baby in your prayers. 💕 and also everytime I pee my pee is a light yellow with no blood or anything BUT every time I wipe there’s pink/brown on the toilet paper. But I have no cramping or pain at all. Please help ease my mind. 🙏🏽