after a Mc


let me start by saying I had my first MC when I was 20 it was a early one at 5 weeks I MC on my own ...waited 1 yr and got pregnant again using preseed and got pregnant which that's my current 🌈 baby daughter she is know turning 3 this yr so me and my husband decided to try for a baby I used preseed again got pregnant again this yr And find out I was pregnant on May this yr everything was great until I started bleeding and thought I should go and check with my Doctor I did once I got to the doctor office my bledding had stop so I was more calm once they did me a ultrasound and they Tould me my baby had no heart beat nomore was so devastating had so many questions and not alot of answers was 12 weeks I was Schedule for a d&c; and everything whent well I was awake during the procedure it was the worst and got to see my baby so little and fragile now recovering good and fast and I think I will TTC within 6 months I wanna prepared my body with vitamins and I wanna use preseed again but had read alot of reviews saying that they got pregnant with pressed en end up a mc I already have. Y daughters and I hope my next baby will make it to full term have u ladies have used preseed any tips to prepared your body ect