Should we take a break or what...

I been with my boyfriend for a year now and some months. We planned everything out, kids marriage moving out we talked about it so much. But I have bad trust issues and need reassurance about stuff. When I go to him asking to talk to him about it he gets mad and says wow he’s not very good at talking to me about stuff on my head... I get he only had one other relationship. I have his passwords and he has mine although I never check it because that’s not my trust issues there. He doesn’t even message girls he is a quiet person who works and then goes home. But he hurt me before in the beginning. And when we were friends he acted like a COMPLETE different person. He made up stuff to fit in at work and etc. I asked him to help me and talk to me about stuff for example simple reassurance is nice.. But lately every time I get down he’ll call me

names. This just started not long ago. If i say hey what happened with that situation he’ll call me a dumb bitch, or a cunt. This just started. He said because he lashes out because of the accusations. And I told him me going to him isn’t accusing it’s me asking. Then he says he’s miserable wants to leave and etc. I even start crying cause he gets so damn mean and he’ll say i’m being a manipulative person and need to stop and says mean stuff to me and makes me leave his house then puts it all on me when he’s the ones cursing calling me names and once even grabbed me by my arm because he said he got so frustrated. I ask him why’s he treat me so bad and he claims he doesn’t he says he treats me like a queen which is absurd. We been fighting everyday and i’m sick of getting knocked down and having mean stuff said to me when we fight so i told him last night we’re taking a break. Now he’s blowing up my phone saying he’ll change and stop cursing and doesn’t want a break. I have not answered him yet. How am I suppose to trust him when he said he’ll stop before and hasn’t ? Someone please. Give me advice because it’s so hard i can’t stop stressing and being down. i also am so insecure around him because the names I get called..