
I had a very vivid dream that I was pregnant. I’ve had the name Alivia stuck in my head. (I’ve barely thought of the name Olivia as a name I choose for a baby.. much less Alivia) I’ve been nauseous. I’m two days late and have no sign of my period coming. (I’m never more than two days past glows prediction). I have been very tired and I literally bitched and complained about everything last night when my boyfriend was off work and i had missed him all day. (I’m a pretty layed back person). And I have acne. I’ve never had acne. I’ve had pimples and zits here and there but never acne. I took a test last night with very diluted pee and a few people saw a line. I’m worried it’s a false positive tho and am retesting tomorrow morning. This is the test

Opinions? My mom said my name came to her when she was pregnant too. She never had any intentions on naming her a child Sarah but the name came to her and stuck when she was pregnant. Trying not to get my hopes up..