Advice on TTC


After 8 months, I got my BFP! I wanted to share what I believe really made the difference this cycle.

Firstly, I cast my worries on the Lord. I give all glory to Him I’m allowing me to carry life! Prayer has kept my stress down and connecting with God is absolutely #1. I do believe the following things definitely helped me.

Things I’ve been doing for a while:

Fertility yoga

Eating very little meat or dairy

No unnecessary chemicals like nail polish or hair dye

No caffeine (this one was hard, I love my coffee)

Meds I take:


Omega 3


Calcium plus Vitamin D

Vitamin B12

Doing the Deed:

Ovulation tests (this was my first cycle using them)

Preseed (also first month using, I highly recommend this if you don’t produce a lot of fertile CM like myself)

Again, all glory to God! I am so grateful He has blessed me with this little life! I wish all the best to you ladies who have/are struggling with getting pregnant. I hope this can help in some small way.