Vaginal bleeding after BM. warning TMI

I’ve been experiencing vaginal bleeding during/after having a bowel movement. This bleeding is directly related to when I have BMs and it’s definitely vaginal bleeding.

I’ve experienced this on four separate occasions over the last 4 to 5 weeks. I’m currently 14 weeks along.

I did go see the doctor the first time this happened. I was told everything the cervix is closed and looks great and given no explanation for a cause. Also, I’ll add my last two paps were completely normal.

When I go I literally have gushes of bright red blood. It turns into spotting within a few minutes and then I’ll have some brown spotting for a days.

I had bleeding with previous pregnancies but never like this or related to having a BM.

Has everyone ever experienced this? What was the cause? I’ll add that I’m not straining myself to go either.

I already plan to o call the doctor 1st thing in the morning. Just wanted to hear from others who have been through this.