Willing to do anything- tons of info on what’s working for me


Was diagnosed with pcos in January by the best doctor I have ever met. We started working on my hormones and get my body ready for when we are finally ready to start officially trying for a baby we currently have a lot going on at the moment with my SO fighting a custody battle for his 4 other kids. I am on a bunch of different medications but after trying for 2 years in September unsuccessfully I am prepared to do whatever I need to become pregnant easier. Starting in January my testosterone was a 6.9 with a serum level of 92 which in the medical world all extremely high levels. This last time I went to see him last Wednesday I was blessed t find out my free testosterone was within the normal ranges at 1.9 🙌🏻!!! My serum levels are just out of normal range at a 58. I have lost 17 lbs in the last 3 months after not being able to lose just gain for the last 3 years. The reality is before meeting this incredible doctor I went to many different doctors who all gave me the same answer lose some weight and try clomid. And I will be the first to say they have no idea what they were talking about! I have extremely low progesterone for starts. Second I can’t ovulate on my own not to mention over stimulating my ovaries just cause more cysts and testosterone to build in my system therefore pushing my system further and further out of wack to the point I couldn’t even have a period on my own. Ladies listen to your body, listen to your gut. If something does feel right pain attention I waste a year of heart ache hope and money to learn it was the wrong way to handle things for my body! Anyways, I hope this can’t give some ladies some hope that are struggling with many different doctors and just trying to find the right one or right combination! Below the pic of my million medications I will list what they all are and there are some not shown the box that I am waiting on a shipment of them. Let me know if you have any questions!!!

•Estarylla- birth control: just to prevent while getting hormones in check and cycles regular

•Phentermine 37.5 mg- take this to help with controlling my hunger and boosting my energy while I am intermittent fasting 1 or 2 a week

•Progesterone 100 mg daily- Help with increasing progesterone in body to prevent mid cycle bleeding.

•Metformin: PCOS usually comes with a fun little things called insulin resistance so this is to help my body with handling insulin also lowers my testosterone and curb my hunger as well

•Levothyroxin: this is my thyroid medication to help with energy levels and boosting my metabolism for weight loss and hunger

•Vitamin D: helps with my energy levels and my immune system

•Cats Claw: this is for helping my immune system to produce anti body’s and to hopefully figure out if I do have Lyme disease or not

•Artemesia: this helps my body with guy problems and help me having a healthy tummy

•S. Boulardii: this is for happy gut health too

• Probiotics: for healthy belly

•Prebiotic w/ cranberry: this is for a healthy tummy and to protect my vagina health

•Prevacid: to help with my acid reflux

•Folate: to start building my body’s supply for when we become pregnant

•Fish oil: for heart health

• magnesium: for bone and heart health

Phew we made it through! Again if you ladies have questions I am more than happy to answer them all I do is research and then research some more!