Please can we stop ignoring racism ?


Racism is still a HUGE problem. I wasn’t going to share this but I think it’s important these narratives are heard. Here goes:

While it should’ve been great fun today at the new indoor play area- instead women whispered about me and my child. Some even spoke loud enough to hear. One woman was actually saying nice things and I turned to say thank you and she gave me a dirty stare.

Other women came up to my husband and said how cute my son was but ignored me standing right there. In fact, they had the audacity to say are you with her ? My husband said yes that’s my wife to which they said really ? Oh he looks more like you.

I want to live in the suburbs. I want to take my kid out and not be stared at, talked about, ignored, given mean looks.

I’m at my wits end. I’m not sure how to handle these situations. They are so hurtful and leave me in tears.

It’s easier said than done to just ignore them. This is a daily occurrence for me and it’s getting to be too much.

Why does my skin bother you? Is it my hair? Is it my weight ? What about me is so damn hard to be nice to ? Why am I not worth a kind smile or friendly glance. Why is it ok for my husband and son to exist in white spaces but not me? And why can’t my son be cute and also look like me?

This is ridiculous. We are in the year 2018. Why is this still a problem? I’m not usually political on social media but for the LOVE OF GOD please stop voting idiots into office that tell our citizens this behavior is ok. Elections are coming up in November. Please please please vote even though it’s not the big election aka the president it’s very important. It’s the senators, House of Representatives, and state governors. Please vote. #psa #vote #equality #freedom #noplaceforhate #chooselove


It’s important to share these stories not just to vent but so that people who are unaware or don’t face these hardships can see what’s really going on. So that perhaps others will be motivated to vote for change


Some people asked to see our family so I’m sharing some photos