I need some insight please...



According to my last period, I’m 6w1d. I have had slight cramping mainly on my right side since a few days before my period was suppose to start. The cramps got worse. Thursday night I went to the ER to get checked out. They did blood work. My HCG levels were almost 7000. They did an ultrasound. Everything is fine except I have a corpus luteum cyst (not sure I spelt that correctly) on my right ovary. The doctor said those are normal during pregnancy. I asked him if that could be why I’m cramping and he couldn’t really tell me. I’m lying in bed and my right side cramps all day. Sometimes the pain is way more noticeable. Is this normal? Could the cramps be from the cyst? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

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I’ve heard most cysts on ovaries can cause considerable pain or discomfort. I would just monitor your pain as best you can and watch for any other unusual signs the ER doctors said to look for if the pain persists. And try taking some Tylenol to help. We have to be our own advocates sometimes especially really early in pregnancy doctors are more inclined to be proactive about our health and less considerable of the unborn until a certain gestational age. Try to relax as best you can because stress doesn’t help either.


Br • Aug 19, 2018
Thank you. The pain isn’t unbearable. It’s just uncomfortable. I googled my symptoms before going to the ER (I know you should never do that because google will have you thinking that you’re dying lol). I’m not bleeding so I wanted to make sure it wasn’t ectopic or anything. I go to my OBGYN Wednesday so I’ll talk more about everything with her.