So this is the guy that gave me a run for my money!

Ruthi💋 • Kaliah 10/09/12👱🏽‍♀️, Lavon Jr. 10/28/15 👦🏽, Londyn 11/07/16👧🏽, Khalil 08/22/18👶🏽 🥰The loves of my life🥰

Everybody meet my youngest prince 👑! He’s such a blessing and although it’s been a hell of a 8 months and 11 days, I’m just happy that he’s here. Handsome and healthy.

August-21st (36 weeks even): Around 7PM I woke up to a lot of contractions, They were irregular but the pain was there! I decided to go to the ER and as soon as I got there the contractions was slowing down but still very painful. They had me walk around which gave me contractions but once I stopped, So did the contractions after an hour and a half they sent me home even though I didn’t want to.

When I got home of course the contractions started back up but the pain was bearable, I decided to go to bed since all the kids were falling asleep anyways. About 3AM I woke up out of my sleep with INTENSE pain! Because I didn’t want to wake the kids up and make another ER trip just to get sent home I decided to breathe through it. As the pain got more and more painful I called the on-call DOC and they said I should take a warm bath and try to relax until my appointment the next morning so I did just that. After sitting in the tub for about an hour I felt soooo much better but started to get sleepy so I got out. When I laid down it didn’t even take 20 mins and then the contractions started right back up but they were 8 mins apart now. I was in sooooo much pain but decided to wait it out, Suddenly I started to feel the urge to pee. When I got to the bathroom and sit down, This is what I see!

[Photos removed by Glow]

My water bag was literally hanging out!! 😱😱 I started to freak out!! I called the DOC immediately and told them that I was on my way and that my bags were hanging out. On my way to the hospital my water partly broke and I started a slow leak, Once we got to the ER doors there were Nurses and DOCs waiting for me. They took my upstairs and immediately started getting ready for birth. As soon as I laid on the bed, The rest of my waters broke and about 5 minutes later baby was ready to come out. When dad tried to hold my legs he got light headed from the sight and almost fainted so they had him sit down and do a technique to help him with the light headed ness, They also gave him some water to cool down. After 2 pushes baby boy was here!

August 22nd at 5:31AM weighing 5lbs and 10.5oz, 18inches long; My baby boy entered this world at 36 weeks and 1 day 💙🤱🏽💙