He doesnt care anymore **update


I am 6 weeks pregnant. We agreed and tried for this pregnancy after 2 miscarriages. It wasnt a surprise. Now he just stays out with his friends all the time. Never wants to hang out with me. Doesnt invite me any where. I am completely heart broken. I think this is the end of my relationship and he wont even talk to me about it. I just want to know what's going on in his mind. I have places I can go if its the end but I wish he would just tell me. I cant handle this stress, heartbreak and sadness.

** we took two nights apart and then met up yesterday and seemingky were on the mend. He had to work and we would talk once he got home. I was feeling better. He said he loves and cares for me very much. I believe him. He didnt come home last night. I waited until 5am at which point I wrote him a long letter about how I feel and that I'm not willing to live like this. I was nice and loving because I love him. I packed a bag and showed up at my sisters house at 7am. He texted me shortly after saying he fell asleep in his office. I simply responded "I still love you". He hasnt sent anything back, not syre if he has been home and read the letter. Either way I suppose he just isnt speaking to me right now. I'm heartbroken. I just have to take one day at a time, just have to get through today. Work, sleep, morning sickness, all day sickness, anxiety, stress, heartbreak, heartache, headaches, crying, loneliness, anger, etc.. This is all too much and I'm not sure why I have to go through this right now. He never used to act like this, for the last two years was always so kind and thoughtful towards me. Now I'm just a baby mama I suppose, I'm so embarrassed and feel stupid. I'm not a super religious person but God please make this right because I dont know how to survive this nightmare 😭