July 31st I woke up at 6:15 like every morning with my boyfriend, made his lunch for work and walked...

July 31st I woke up at 6:15 like every morning with my boyfriend, made his lunch for work and walked our dogs. When he left for work I tried to go back to sleep and never could. So I turned on the new season of orange is the new black. Around 8:30 I was getting up to pee when a rush of fluid came out. Immediately I called my brother and told him my water broke (he works closer than my boyfriend). He came home from work called everyone we know, while I took a shower. Got to the hospital around 10. They checked the fluid. I want having contractions so they started me on pitocin by 12 pm. I had only been dilated 1cm since a week before. Contractions started coming fast, they slowed down the dosage of pitocin and I got my epidural around 4 pm. Only dilated to 4 cm. They checked me again around 6 and I was at 5. The gave me oxygen for the baby (just being cautious). Around 7 30 they checked when I said i felt pressure... And the nurse said "go get the doctor were having a baby"! I started freaking out. Shaking and just completely speechless. My boyfriend was thing his best to keep it together for us both Lol. Well after about 30 mins of pushing at 8 16 pm. Our beautiful baby girl was born. ❤