Creepy Flirting on Draw Something


So I have the app Draw Something, it’s just a stupid game where you guess what the other person is drawing and they guess what your drawing. You can send little messages that’ll show up after your drawing most people use it to just say shit like “sry I suck at drawing” it’s pretty simple. But today some guy (who’s clearly in his 30s or older) was using it to hit on me here’s how it went lol.

Him: “ur pretty”


Him: “how old r u”


Him: “r u over 18”

Me: “I’m too young for u dude stop”

Him: “sry I just though u were sexy”

Me: “I’m a child lmao go out a find a girl your own age and stop hitting on teens on the internet”

Him: “then u don’t cum yet”

Me: “ur a creep wtf”

Obviously I ended the game and you can’t look anyone up so I should be fine lmao it’s just weird lol