My husband’s aunt just passed away

And while she isn’t/wasn’t my aunt and we did not see each other every day, I feel deeply affected by her passing. I am a mom of two and one on the way, and I feel like I need to hold things together in front of my kids and the one inside of me. My oldest is only 5 and she understands the concept of dying and death, she still does not have a full understanding of why people and pets pass away. My “aunt” was sick with ling cancer. Yesterday we were looking at pictures of her and my oldest daughter while she was in the hospital. It broke my heart and I did not want to see the very last picture that was taken of her. My oldest loved her very much. She still doesn’t know that aunty M passed away. Even while I am writing this I am struggling with my tears as my two kids are sitting by my side. I also feel like I shouldn’t show too much because my husband’s family had a loss, and technically she wasn’t my relative only by marriage. I am now 28 weeks pregnant and I am supposed to be having my sprinkle party for my son soon as well as getting my maternity pics done but I feel like it’s wrong. I don’t know. I am sorry this is long I just needed to write it down and let it somewhat out.