Is this normal?? First time mom 😁

Taylor • 06/09/2018💍 09/21/18👦🏼💙 02/03/21👶🏼💕

Before you went into labor or you were in early labor and didn’t know, did you feel off?? Like not yourself and you’re just not sure what’s wrong?? Last night I was having Braxton Hicks pretty regularly but then they died down so I went to bed. This morning I wake up and my lower back is killing me but like a constipated feeling. So I get up to see if I can go to the bathroom and I can’t so I drink a bunch of water and doze off. After that my back pain is somewhat there still but not as bad. I did finally go to the bathroom but I just still feel so off and like I need to go still. I haven’t been hungry much today, I keep drinking fluids, and I just feel so off. I’m not sure if this is the start of anything, yesterday I went to the drs and I was still at a 1 from being checked 2 weeks ago. Just needing some insight from other moms who have maybe had this happen to them.

**i forgot to add that I’ve only had maybe 2-3 Braxton Hicks all day