What would you do? Dec baby...

December is mid flu season, on top of things such as whooping cough etc. which can be deadly for infants.

Would it be wrong to ask people who come to the hospital/visit while she’s newborn to hold her to get vaccinated?

I know the flu shot is hardly ever successful (10% effective) so I’m not really worried about that as long as they aren’t sick/wash their hands. I’m more worried about the whooping cough.

My SIL doesn’t vaccinate & im just worried about her children coming who are in public school, on top of just wanting everyone to be as safe as possible. I’m almost positive she got her children a vaccination of some sort when their sister was born premature at 33 weeks though, meaning she’s not 100% against vaccines?

Thoughts? Anyone been through this? I’ve seen some posts such as this, but never gave them much attention.

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