Unpredictable Cycle



I didn’t get my first period until I was 17 but it has been super regular up until my miscarriage last November (I’m now almost 28). Since then it’s been last or early by a few days and there were a couple of months where it was unbelievably heavy and my cramps had me missing work and they’ve also gone from 4 days to 7 days.

Current issue:

I’ve gained about 7lbs in 2 months (this is a lot for me and my frame) no matter what I eat or how much I work out, I’m breaking out uncontrollably and in places I don’t normally get pimples and they’re so painful, I’m super bloated, my period was 4 days late (the latest it’s been since my miscarriage), and now I’m spotting and should be ovulating. If I hadn’t had a period 2 weeks ago I would have thought I was pregnant.

Has anyone else had this problem or know any solutions? I was just at my OBGYN mid July and she said everything looked normal and all my blood work came back normal.

Mostly just annoyed that my body can’t figure itself out 🙄😒