Born at 39 weeks!


My lady is finally here!!

I went to the hospital for mild, consistent contractions on Wednesday night. We weren’t there long when they sent us home. The nurse said I was only 2cm-her orders were to go home and have sex and hopefully they’d see us soon. 😂 we obeyed and by midnight my contractions were much more intense. When I had my son, my contractions felt like Braxton Hicks, but these were much more uncomfortable. I was up all night bouncing on my ball, taking warm baths and trying to stay comfortable (while my husband slept 🤦🏼‍♀️). When he woke up around 6, I said we need to go back to the hospital. My contractions were about 4-6 mins apart and lasting about 1-2 minutes. We got to the hospital and I was 4 cm so the doctor decided to keep me!! 🙌🏼 I progressed slower than I hoped-after a few hrs I only made it to 5. It wasn’t long before I got an epidural bc I was so uncomfortable. It went in quick and helped a lot. It did cause my blood pressure to drop extremely low a few times so they had to give me meds to get it back up. I relaxed and watched tv for a while when the doctor came and broke my water. I progressed a few more cms and he decided to give me pitocin to speed things up a bit. I started progressing about 1cm/hr and when I hit about an 8 (nurse said she could stretch me to a 9) I had intense pressure. The nurse kept saying not to push, and kept checking me to make sure I wasn’t at a 10. It finally got so intense i told her I had to push. She called everyone in and said it would be a little bit before the doctor made it back over (his office is across the parking lot). It was SO HARD not to push. I wanted to just start crying my eyes out with every contractions. The doctor finally got there and checked me and broke the bed down. I said I HAVE TO PUSH! It only took about 5 minutes of intense pushing and my 8lb, 8oz baby girl was out. The doctor did amazing in helping to stretch me during pushing so I only had a minor 1st degree tear (I had a second degree tear with my first who was only 7lbs 6oz). I got a quick second of skin to skin before they took her bc she was purple and hadn’t cried. Before they could get her to her bed next to me to check her she was already crying. They cleaned her up and did a few measurements while the doctor finished with me and I got to do skin to skin. My little chunker started nursing right away and is a champ (even though we are dealing with some nursing pains). I am doing so much better this time around than with my son and am so thankful for all the doctors and nurses!!

Here’s my chunky girl. 😊😊