Opinions on public sex? Has anyone done this before?

A bit of a recap - me and my boyfriend don't have enough privacy to have sex and to be frank I have a significantly lower libido than him so I don't really initiate anything. He's not exactly into kink but has offered we have sex in a public setting - a secluded place in the park really late at night. I'm... not on board with this. It sounds fun in theory but like to me it's extremely risky and would probably have a big mental toll on me. I feel like I'd start crying cause I have cried after sex, I just find the entire thing to emotionally exhaust me often.

Would anyone agree to this?

(As a side note I've never dabbled in kink cause I don't really have any but I have done some reading on kinks and bdsm)


Thanks for the rational responses. It only took two people but now that I though about this I understand fully how sleazy and gross it is. I'll tell him to stop pushing it.