Update: BFP!! 💕 1st full smile after 4 months of facial paralysis!!

Taya 👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾👦🏾💍 • Son born 6/2/2019 👶🏾

I woke up one morning and discovered that the right side of my face was paralyzed. I immediately started crying because I thought I was having a stroke. I flew to ER. They diagnosed me with Bell’s Palsy. They told me that it was temporary then gave me a steroid shot, steroid pills, and eye drops.

(No one really knows what causes Bell’s Palsy)

( I am trying to smile in this picture.)

So for the first 2 months I’ve had to tape my eye shut to go to sleep because it wouldn’t close on it’s own. I wasn’t able to blink so I had to constantly use eyedrops everyday. I had to learn how to eat with only one side of my mouth working. I could not drink anything out of a straw. I also could not taste anything for some reason with is also a symptom in addition to the paralysis. This all happened during my first week at my new job! Talk about luck. 😩

After 4 months I can sleep without taping my eye. I can’t whistle yet but, I can move my eyebrow, flare my nostril, and most of all........ I can smile!!!!!! Please don’t take smiling for granted!!! Smile often!! 😄😄

Update: Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I appreciate all your kind words and funny jokes. 💕💕💕

Update 2: I just wanted to let you know that after being diagnosed with unexplained infertility 2012, In 2018 I conceived naturally after TTC for 4 months !! I can’t believe it! Thank you so much for all the love! 😘😘

Update 3:

7 weeks and 2 days.