Hormones and Everything


Y’all idk what’s wrong with me. For most of my pregnancy I’ve felt like I’ve had a low self esteem, unpretty, and just exhausted. I’m 27 weeks now and I thought getting my hair and nails done would relax me but it hasn’t. I cried on the way home just now and idk what for. Not to mention I’ve never had so much discharge in my entire life! I tried putting liners in my underwear but then another pregnant colleague told me it wouldn’t help that it would just dry out my vagina. My underwear looks like I peed on myself and then the discharge is milky creamy looking. Having fear of labor and the hospital part doesn’t help either. I’m overwhelmed, anxious, and am willing to do anything at this point to find a way to relax. I don’t feel like my normal self. I’m excited to meet my son but my emotions are everywhere literally. I even look miserable. I don’t dress up anymore, it’s hot as heck outside, and I’m constantly hungry. I feel tense and stressed. My husband is so helpful and I love him for trying but I just can’t seem to get out of these moods. Let’s not forget my baby isn’t due till November 30. I really want to make this last trimester a better one than the 1st two. Is anyone else going through any of this? Any recommendations?