I need advice

So I am 30 weeks pregnant and found out a few weeks ago that our landlord is selling our house. We have been living in this house for 3 years exactly and have been fortunate to pay cheap rent. Well now I am on the hunt to find something new and it has been a complete struggle. I have two dogs. One puggle and one large pitbull and it’s been so hard to find a house that will allow a pitbull. On top of that, the market where I live is crazy right now. These houses will go up for rent and if you don’t apply for it that day you are basically SOL.

Last week I did apply for a house and we were the first applicants however they accepted and reviewed many others and long story short, we didn’t get the house. I’m not sure what to do... it’s just the worst timing because I have no family where I live. The money I had saved for my maternity leave now has to go to a down payment for a house, and I’m not sure if I will even go back to work once the baby is here because I have no one to watch her. This really sucks because we are struggling as it is paying 900 a month for rent and I can’t even find an apartment for under 1200.

I have contemplated numerous times about talking to the landlord and explaining our situation to see if he can work with us at all. I was thinking about trying to take out a loan to purchase this house but I would need him to give me time to work with a lender. My credit is okay but my boyfriends is pretty bad so I’m not even sure we would get approved for a loan.

I’m so stressed out by the fact that my baby will be here in about ten weeks and I have no idea where I’m going to live. All of her stuff is packed away in boxes and I feel like I can’t even enjoy this pregnancy the way I should because I’m so worried. It really sucks to because I love this house we are in and I had all of these plans for her nursery and now all of that Is down the drain. Not too mention we were fine with paying the 900 rent but paying 300-350 more is really pushing it.

We did go look at an apartment yesterday that allows pitbulls but we would be downgrading in size by a lot and switching from a 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom and paying 1200 a month. I’m nervous about the apartment living because I feel like my dog needs a yard to run in. Also it’s going to be a pain taking care of a newborn and having to take both dogs out on a leash.

I could go on and on but any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just have no idea what to do 😣