Help! Cramps after exercise...


Ok, so not exactly exercise, just movement lasting longer than 30 minutes.

I’m only 7 weeks along and I start to have contractions. It feels like a fist clenching in the center of my abdomen above my pubic bone. This is my fourth pregnancy this year so I’m understandably nervous. There’s usually no spotting with it but sometimes I get some light beige on the toilet paper when I wipe after one of these episodes.

Anyone else have this early on? My US this last Tuesday looked good, baby’s heartbeat was strong. But after three miscarriages I know how quickly that can change.

Just walked through the store and it got worse the longer I was on my feet. I went and sat in the car with the heated seats on and lay back and in five minutes things had calmed down.

Looking for anyone who experienced the same thing and maybe what you did to get through it.