Inverted nipple


I am currently 30 weeks with my second daughter and starting to really think about life with baby Cecelia actually being, needless to say, panic has struck. With my first daughter i greatly struggled with breastfeeding. This time I want to be prepared. I have one inverted nipple and I was never able to get my daughter to properly feed from it- she only fed from my other boob. This didn’t last and my supply dried up and I was unable to breastfeed as long as I had hoped. This time, I hope to have better resources to help my baby latch, despite my inverted nipple, so I can breastfeed the way i planned. I will be asking my doctor for tips also, but I figured experienced mothers have the best advice! So, has anyone else experienced this issue and been able to successfully breastfeed? Any tips, or videos to watch, articles go read, or exercise to complete to prepare? Thank you so much in advance. I’m just a desperate mama hoping to be able to breastfeed.