Just need to vent for a second

K • Mommy to Ava and Kieran 💕

I’m due with my 2nd on 11/2. Since our first is a girl and this baby is a boy my mom offered to throw a baby sprinkle to help with clothes, diapers and some winter stuff since this baby is also opposite seasons. She offered this in June when we first found out we’re having a boy. We discussed timing of the sprinkle. I told her I’d rather have it when I’m 30 weeks (which is now) since my baby shower with my daughter was at 36, and i was just very uncomfortable and couldn’t enjoy myself the way i wanted to. (Also wanted enough time to pick up last min things we needed and not be on the verge of popping). She agreed to the end of August/ early September date, and said we could do it st my house “to make it easier for me” as my family lives an hour away.

Fast forward to August when she comes to my house and asks what date to do the sprinkle and says October. I told her again I’d rather it be beginning of September for the reasons we discussed before. We pick 9/8.

Fast forward again to last week when she STILL hadn’t planned anything, hadn’t talked to my MIL or taken off work. I texted her today to see how many people are coming and what she needs me to do (since it’s at myhouse) haven’t heard a single thing back.

I’m just very frustrated and at this point would’ve rather not have this shower and slowly purchased what we wanted/needed for this baby before i go on maternity leave.

Sorry for the long rant.